

The Secret Sauce: 3 Ingredients of a strong Board/ED partnership Nearly half of all marriages end in divorce. Sadly, this statistic might even be higher in the nonprofit sector if you consider the relationship between a board and the executive director (ED) to be a...
Are You Positive or Negative?

Are You Positive or Negative?

Do you have a predominantly positive or negative effect on others? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself this question? And I don’t mean how you think others perceive you. I mean, do you have a positive or negative influence on others? Are you lifting people...
Saying Goodbye to Our Inner Control Freak

Saying Goodbye to Our Inner Control Freak

In Seth Godin’s blog “In control,” he asks, “Do you know anyone who has managed to gain control over things outside of their grasp?” He then uses the example of honking at traffic as an expression of the need to control the uncontrollable. I wish I could say I weren’t...
10 New Habits for a New Season

10 New Habits for a New Season

With spring upon us, now is as good a time as any to create some habits you’ll thank your future self for. The post was inspired by a 2021 blog post by Seth Godin, entrepreneur extraordinaire and best-selling author. In Seth’s words, “a simple substitute might change...
Stories That Stick

Stories That Stick

Maya Angelou famously said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” In storytelling, it is the feeling that we most aim to capture. So often, though, staff and board members get caught...