Stacey's Signature Keynote

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Build an Expansive Legacy:

Discover Your Recipe for Giving Back

 Whether you are a rising or established leader, business professional, or charitable change maker, you likely want to make a meaningful contribution and live into an expansive legacy – even though you may be circling around the perimeter of what that looks and feels like. And, if so, you are not alone. Despite research that confirms the physical and mental health benefits of giving to others, most people haven’t considered using philanthropy as a tool to find the greater life meaning they seek. For over 25 years, Stacey Wedding has supported nonprofit leaders and philanthropists to make a greater impact on the causes and missions they care deeply about. In her keynote, she takes her audiences down a provocative path so they can begin to unearth what giving back specifically looks like for them and what success means to them.

“As a keynote speaker, Stacey Wedding brings this delicious mixture of warmth, wisdom, and wit to the stage.”

-Alexia Vernon

CEO, Step into your Moxie

Interested in booking Stacey for a keynote?

By the end of this presentation, audience members will explore how to:

  • Adopt a “dating approach” to making a contribution by asking the right questions and conducting relevant research and meaningful experiments to hone the focus of their giving
  • Define their individualized metrics for making and measuring impact
  • Avoid the trap of becoming a charitable ATM whose gifts of time and money leave them feeling exhausted, depleted, and unfulfilled

This keynote is perfect for people looking to find significance and meaning in their life, particularly when thinking through life transitions such as becoming an empty nester, retirement, estate planning, or even a career change. Whether you are a business or association leader, organizer of a women’s summit, or charitable organization looking to engage current or potential donors, Stacey’s keynote brings a step-by-step solution to find greater purpose.


  • Audience Q&A
  • Half-day Interactive Workshops
  • Ongoing Executive or Team Coaching and Training


  • PTackling the Elephants in Your Boardroom
  • PLeading a Nonprofit Takes Guts and Givership
  • PThe Science of Giving: How Giving Back is Good for Your Health

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