Giving and Receiving

Giving and Receiving

Organizations are only as good as the people who keep the engine running. The team at The Stacey Wedding Group keeps our moving parts firing on all cylinders throughout the year, and I am endlessly grateful for the gifts they share with me and our clients as we work...
Year-End Review and Planning

Year-End Review and Planning

As we near the end of the year, many people are taking time to review and reset. Are you? Whether you are a nonprofit founder, staffer, volunteer, or board member, you can benefit from taking the time to review your year and plan for the next. In fact, I would dare...
Has it Really Been 15 Years???

Has it Really Been 15 Years???

The holidays are upon us (how did that happen so quickly?!), and many nonprofit leaders are putting plans together on how to properly thank their donors this season. Similarly, I find myself reflecting on the people in my life I am grateful for, particularly as I...
Decision Fatigue is a Real Thing

Decision Fatigue is a Real Thing

Recently I was introduced to a new restaurant and after a long work week, I arrived to find an 8-page menu. While the novelty of so many choices sounded lovely, the reality was much different. I stared at the endless sea of options blankly and crankily, complete brain...