Tips and Ideas to End Your Year Strong

Giving thanks, holiday lights, baking and gift shopping… these are just a few of the things this time of year brings (not to mention stress!).  It also brings with it year-end fundraising campaigns, wrapping up unfinished projects, and making plans for what’s to...

Nonprofit Boards: Are they all broken?

If we’re being real, we have to admit that it sometimes feels like all nonprofit boards are broken. An exaggeration? Perhaps. Lately, though, many of our friends and colleagues in the nonprofit sector have reached out to the PiP team hoping we can put on our...

Vulnerability Has Its Benefits

When you search for “vulnerability and nonprofits” on the Internet, there are a number of articles that pop up. Most of these have to do with risk management or financial vulnerability. Those are certainly two important topics for all nonprofits to consider, and it’s...

Your Mid-Year Tune-Up

Summer is almost here, and if you’re anything like us, our minds are on longer carefree days and, of course, vacations! When we’re not escaping to our favorite beach, camping at our secret getaway, or savoring delicious ice cream cones, we have found it to be an ideal...