by Stacey Wedding | Mar 6, 2023 | non-profits
“For many, the goal is to be the deciding vote, the donation that gets a cause over the goal, the person who counts.” Excerpt from “The lonely zone” blog post Seth Godin, author, teacher, philanthropist When I read one of Seth’s recent blog posts, I got to...
by Stacey Wedding | Oct 31, 2022 | non-profits
Beyond your donors, which stakeholders are you thanking? ThanksGIVING. When you see this word, what is the first thing that pops into your head besides food coma? If you have any role in fundraising, I’m guessing a close second to food coma would be donor giving and...
by Stacey Wedding | Sep 14, 2020 | non-profits
Perhaps it’s because I’m hungry while writing this, but I can’t seem to stop thinking about sauce—more particularly, the secret sauce of nonprofits that rise above the rest. Any of us tied to the sector could probably make an argument for what propels some nonprofits...
by Stacey Wedding | Mar 2, 2020 | non-profits, Uncategorized
Communicating effectively is a major workplace challenge, and technology has made it possible to communicate quickly with anyone anywhere any time. But “communicating quickly 24/7” is not the same as “communicating effectively”—and so every once in a while, I...
by Stacey Wedding | Sep 26, 2017 | non-profits
Recently I had the pleasure of presenting Elephants in the Nonprofit Board Room™ at the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Conference in San Francisco. One of the attendees followed up with me and shared, “I’m very proud that we have a 100% giving board....
by Stacey Wedding | Mar 6, 2017 | non-profits
Expertise shared by PiP Founder and Chief Strategist, Stacey Wedding, as featured by the South Carolina Association of Nonprofit Organization (SCANPO). For those who work with Boards, you may be smirking to yourself when you read this title or enjoying your own...