Let Stories Be Your Leverage

Air travel drastically changed the way we saw transportation. What once took days, weeks and even months can now be accomplished in a 24 hour period of flight. If anyone knows this, it’s Erik Lindberg. His grandfather, Charles Lindberg, was the first man to make the...

When the Floor Becomes the Ceiling

Recently I had the pleasure of presenting Elephants in the Nonprofit Board Room™ at the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Conference in San Francisco. One of the attendees followed up with me and shared, “I’m very proud that we have a 100% giving board....

What Can Strategic Planning do for You?

In an earlier post, I wrote about strategic planning being a critical tool for your organization’s success. A strategic plan describes where your organization is going by laying out measurable goals and explaining why those goals are important. A strategic plan also...

Why Don’t You Do Strategic Planning?

Recently, Jim, a long-time friend who leads a nonprofit service organization, asked for my help with some program development work.  The project sounded interesting and fun, and as we talked Jim became increasingly animated as his excitement grew—that is, until I...