Funders: Are They Measuring the Wrong Thing?

Guest Blog by Andy Schuricht, founder of Valor CSR, and PiP Consultant When making a donation to charity, most companies want their gifts to be used effectively and efficiently. Donations shouldn’t be wasted on unimportant things, but should instead be used to...

Stories and Your Synapses

Before you start a position at an organization, you might complete a 20 hour orientation. But all of that information will be overridden if one of the employees pulls you aside and says, “let me tell you how things really are around here.” Ten minutes can mean more...

The Usefulness of Urgency

Peter Singer tells the story of a young mother in “The Life You Can Save.” She’s the primary bread winner in her family. And things are finally going her way. She just landed a big client and their financial troubles have eased. As she finishes the phone call sealing...

A Single Breath

My Buddhism professor, a formerly ordained monk himself, once told me, “Your one true friend is your breath. It stays with you from the moment you’re born, and leaves you only when you die. Your breath supports you and keeps you alive.” It’s one statement that...