It can be a tough sell. When you’re world famous for a few miles of casinos, flashy lights and darn good food, people tend to forget that there are actual people who live in Las Vegas. Surprise! We’re normal human beings. No one has a pole in their living room and a slot machine in their bedroom (at least that I associate with), and we’re happiest when we do good for others: just like everyone else.

It’s no April Fools joke, Nevadans are regular people who love to help their communities, and that means supporting the great causes in them. It is for this reason that our state hosts the Nevada Big Give, an event where you have the opportunity to “give where you live,” to make a difference in your own neck of the woods.

We’re proud to be Nevadans, we’re proud to support good causes, and we’re glad to live in a place where actual people are concerned about doing good as well. Mark it on your calendars! The beginning of April is exciting for more than just pranks, it marks the beginning of the countdown to Nevada’s Big Give! 24 days and counting!

P.S. Keep a look out for some blog showcases of great organizations you can support!