Feeling frazzled, like there aren’t enough hours in the day? Wishing you could truly embrace the joy of the season without the long work hours, last-minute fundraising push and year-end wrap up of projects? If this sounds like you, you’re not alone.

This can be a daunting time of year. And not just at work.

While the holiday season (regardless of one’s religious affiliation) often inspires feelings of joy, warmth, and connectedness, for many, this time of year can stir up feelings of stress, anxiety, depression, and loneliness.

As the PiP team thought long and hard about what we could give you to make the end of year hustle and bustle a bit more joyous and less stressful, we decided to share some of our team member’s recommendations on self-care tips that work for us and that we hope will do the trick for you, too. Consider this your virtual spa treatment!

From Samantha Trieu, PiP’s Communication Coordinator…

  • I keep a gratitude journal that I write in when I want to procrastinate or when the feeling strikes me. I try to keep it simple or unique to what I’m doing or experiencing in that moment. After writing a new entry, I like to look back and read some of my older ones to remind me of the “good” stuff.
  • When I’m feeling stuck, I sometimes rearrange all the furniture in my bedroom. It’s a hassle, but once I’m done, I realize how much I run on auto-pilot when moving about. For the first couple of weeks, I become more mindful and purposeful in my actions and activities. It sort of wakes me up, and it’s a change that I created and control. 

From Cami Lewis, PiP’s Operations Catalyst…

  • When I get stressed or overwhelmed, I use the 4-7-8 breathing technique.  Breathe in for a count of 4, hold your breath for a count of 7 and breathe out for a count of 8.  Repeat 3 times.
  • Listen to classical music, ONLY in your RIGHT ear, for 15 minutes.

From Shaun Mollica, PiP’s Grant Guru…

  • Be Grateful to Be Happy – This TED Talk is about slowing down and feeling gratitude. It’s a gentle reminder about appreciating what we have and what we have done. After you’re done listening, consider sharing it with co-workers, family and friends. 
  • We have a “2019 Good Stuff” jar that we put little notes in all year that we will read together on New Year’s to help place the focus on the good things.

From Kevin Dincher, PiP’s Strategic Advisor…

From Killian Flannagan, PiP’s Social Media Master…

  • After work, I come home and have tea time. I have one or two cups of tea (and sometimes a sweet treat!) to relax and take a break, transitioning from work to evening chores or other activities.
  • Petting dogs — releases endorphins for both of us! 

From Stacey Wedding, PiP’s Chief Strategist…

  • I start my day reading The Morning Smile, which has stories from around the country that bring laughs, smiles and sometimes even tears (the good kind!). It reminds me of the good in the world and sets the tone for the day.  
  • I do my best to not spend all of my driving time on the phone doing work. It’s a time for me to listen to my favorite holiday songs or new podcasts I’ve discovered. Right now I am listening to The Happiness Lab, and I love it! It shares research and stories about the psychology of happiness.

As 2019 comes to a close, the PiP team wants to thank you for being a part of our lives and for all you give of yourself each and every day.

It doesn’t go unnoticed.

We are grateful for you!