You may love the organization you work for, the work it does, the people you serve, and the programs you use to do it. You might love it more than the people you’re trying to reach. More than likely, they’re not interested in program specifics or receiving a firehose of data and information. 

At its core, your organization was designed to solve a problem. What singular problem is your organization trying to solve? 

That’s the reason people advocate for and support your organization. 

Once you know what problem you’re trying to solve, how are you going to connect your supporters directly to that solution? Not to you as the third party they help to bring about the solution, but directly to your solution. 

Ask people to join your story. Not as the side-kick. As the superhero. 

The organizations we love would not survive without the people who support them. Remember that and you’ll be golden.

Hat Tip to Your Storytelling Success,

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