The holidays are upon us (how did that happen so quickly?!), and many nonprofit leaders are putting plans together on how to properly thank their donors this season. Similarly, I find myself reflecting on the people in my life I am grateful for, particularly as I celebrate 15 years in business. “Thank you” doesn’t feel like enough to show my gratitude for loyal clients who entrust my team and me with their organizational vulnerabilities, specialists who lend their expertise to keep my business running, and family and friends who remind me why I do what I do on the days where I am gritting my teeth and pulling out my hair.
There is another group, however, that I often overlook and that I suspect many of you fall prey to as well. For me, I call this group my Tough Love Crew (a different way of looking at TLC, that’s for sure!). These are the individuals willing to have difficult conversations rooted in radical candor.
One of my TLC members jokingly refers to me as “Project Stacey,” pointing out my tendency to be loyal to a fault [this is code for conflict avoidant ?]. Another TLC member once told me I’d end up dead at an early age if I kept going at the pace I was. Her words, to be exact, were, “I’m going to be really pissed off if you’re dead by the time you’re 30.” [Sadly, I need that reminder again, only this time replacing 30 with 50. Will I ever learn?] And of course, I can’t forget about the brave soul who questioned the appropriateness of my personal social media posts (Too many posts about wine? Nah, that couldn’t be me….).
It didn’t happen overnight, but slowly, my pride recovered from this feedback and ultimately led to greater self-awareness and a stronger business. It is rare to find those who care enough to tell us what we don’t want to hear and aren’t always ready to see. When we do find them, perhaps the trick is to run toward them instead of the other direction.
As I look toward the next 15 years in business and in life, watch out, TLC. I see you and I’m no longer hiding. I also want to thank you for holding up the mirror and showing me my blind spots.
And for the rest of you who have been and continue to be my cheerleaders, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You all are my rock. I need a healthy balance of your positivity combined with a little TLC.
Hat tip to you,

Congratulations, Stacey! I am proud to know you for more than 12 of those 15 years! I always intentionally run towards you because of your integrity, values, and honesty. I cherish you as a colleague and friend. Matt and I both love your rebranded company name and look!
Thanks so much, Magda! It means the world coming from you.