Summer is almost here, and if you’re anything like us, our minds are on longer carefree days and, of course, vacations! When we’re not escaping to our favorite beach, camping at our secret getaway, or savoring delicious ice cream cones, we have found it to be an ideal time to do a mid-year check-in with ourselves and our team to gear up for the rest of the year. We realize some of our nonprofit readers may operate on a July-June fiscal year or a totally different timeframe. The good news is that our pointers apply now or any time of year. And, who are we kidding? Vacations are on our minds all year long, aren’t they?

Now that we’re halfway through the year, it’s a great time to pause and reflect:

  • What progress have you made on your personal and organizational goals? What’s worked well? What seems to be stalling out?
  • Re-set/modify goals. Take some time to review your goals and re-set or modify those that need some “tweaking” to keep you on track towards the larger vision.
  • Self-care – What are you doing to take care of yourself? While we’re (mostly) joking about an obsession with vacations, the reality is that nonprofit professionals work tirelessly, and you need a break every now and then.  Taking a break is an important part of being able to continue to do the work you do serving others with excellence.  It’s an investment not only in yourself, but in those you serve.

According to one article in Inc. Magazine, here are four scientific reasons vacations are good for your health:

  • Stress Reduction
  • Heart Disease Prevention
  • Improved Productivity
  • Better Sleep

Whether it’s an organization “retreat” with some work and play time built in, a personal review of your goals, a weekend (or a week away (or all of the above), this is a great time to gear up and prepare yourself and your team to finish the year strong!

And if a vacation just isn’t possible right now, build in a mental vacation everyday. Here’s one to get you started: our 30 second vacation just for you!