April 25, 2014 is a day that we’ve been looking forward to with incredible excitement. It’s not just because it runs for 24 hours so we don’t have to be up early to participate. It’s because 3 years ago Stacey Wedding, our CEO and Founder, believed that we could work to build a charitable Nevada that provides a better life for its citizens. Working to raise awareness and increase involvement, we come together to demonstrate the power that human kindness can have. This is the vision that inspired her to come together with others to create Nevada’s Big Give.

It’s easy! You can do it online, sitting on your couch, and we don’t even care if you’re in sweatpants. This is about supporting worthy causes, making positive impacts in others’ lives, and finding how good philanthropy can be for YOU! It doesn’t matter what organization you choose. This is about coming together to demonstrate our belief as a state that when you come together, you can Give Big.

All month long we’ve been posting blogs about worthy organizations! Find someone you can support (because all of them are worthwhile), and help us build a more charitable Nevada.

So even if $10 is all you can afford, be a part of Nevada’s Big Give and Give Where You Live! Visit their website and show some Big Love for Nevada’s Big Give!