Here at the PiP team we are fortunate to have some brilliant minds behind our grant efforts including Grant Guru, Ellen Lloyd. We know that grants can be scary, but we’ve also learned some things to get you through the process. Here’s a little bit of what we’ve learned to get you through your “Ghost Busting” this Halloween season.

1) Don’t put all of your candy in one basket. Especially not one that can be raided by your siblings. There can be a lot of competition around grants. It’s important that you develop a grant strategy that doesn’t entirely depend on you getting that one grant. There are a number of worthy causes, so expect that you won’t receive every grant you apply for no matter how worthy yours might be.
2) Remember that it’s hard work with no guarantees. You can trick or treat all night before you finally land that King-sized candy bar. Patience and a little leg-work will pay off if your organization is grant ready and you’re doing the right things. We require all of our clients to understand this principle. There is no guarantee with grants. But there’s a reason they’re an important part of your funding strategy. Keep at it.
3) You’ve got to pick the right neighborhood to get what you want. If everyone has their porch lights off, you won’t get any candy. You won’t be right for every grant application, and because they’re a lot of work, you want to be careful where you invest your time. Choosing the grant appropriate for the size, mission, and funding needs of your organization is a big part of your success.

We’re wishing you sweet success in your grant and Ghost Busting adventures. If there is any way we can be of further assistance, give us a shout at [email protected]. Our Gurus and Ghost Busters will be happy to help.