Ah, New Years Resolutions. The short-lived diets, the temporary determination…and for nonprofits, the goal to raise more money (which really means the goal to help more people).

Fortunately, some resolutions are easier to keep: particularly those that involve accepting free offers.

In the nonprofit sector we all want to be better people and better fundraisers in the 2015 year. What’s an easy and free way to start doing that? How about a free 5 day summit with more than 40 qualified speakers to give you new ideas? Beginning on January 5th, you will have 24 hours (on each of 5 days) to access pre-recorded webinars from fundraising experts. All. For. Free.

Register for The Fundraising Summit by clicking on the link above.

If you find yourself with some extra time in these next few days, use it to learn something new. Here at PiP, we’re wishing you an ever better 2015! We hope this helps you start it off right.