Alright, so not every city in the Valley has national recognition. Sure, not everyone flies from around the world to visit Henderson, Nevada—but Henderson has ambitions too. Maybe they don’t want to be known as Sin City, maybe they want to be the most compassionate city in America. It’s not that they have anything against Vegas, they love their sister city! They just want to have a different reputation, and that’s a reputation the Henderson Community Foundation is trying to build.

When deciding where to give, it can be difficult to make a choice. Who do you give to? How much? What difference will your gift make? If these are the questions you’re asking and you live in Henderson, then Nevada’s Big Give is the perfect opportunity to begin a lasting partnership.

The Henderson Community Foundation is committed to making Henderson the most compassionate city in America. From helping caring individuals create nonprofits, to supporting organizations in need, to offering guidance to donors hoping to make a difference in their neck of the woods—Henderson Community Foundation is your one stop shop.

If you want to participate in Nevada’s Big Give and “give where you live,” there’s no better way to support your community. Visit their website to learn more and their donation page to make a difference! You’ll take Henderson one step closer to being the most compassionate city in America!