It’s not you, it’s me.

It’s not you, it’s me.

With February’s arrival and the overly commercialized, often dreaded Valentine’s Day, there is no time like the present to discuss “It’s not you, it’s me.” Fortunately, we’re not talking about this in relation to your personal love pursuits but rather your prospective...
Board Members Who Meddle

Board Members Who Meddle

There’s an old joke that a CEO’s chief complaint is “my board is disengaged” and that this is tied with another complaint, “my board is engaged.” If this rings true for you or gave you a chuckle, you’re not alone. Last month we focused on the causes of micromanagement...
The Cardinal Sin of Nonprofit Boards

The Cardinal Sin of Nonprofit Boards

In the nonprofit boardroom, this one thing is considered a cardinal sin, and unfortunately, it’s one that happens all too often. Any guesses on what it might be? If your mind is like mine, you probably went straight to worst case scenario—having an affair with your...
Scary Stories from the Boardroom – Pt. 3

Scary Stories from the Boardroom – Pt. 3

“I should have been alarmed when the board started to go into frequent executive sessions. They didn’t even know what that term meant a year ago.” This horror story is one that is all too frequent. It starts with a board member who holds quite a bit of weight on the...